Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gilda Radner

Today’s WOD is Gilda Radner- Just because I could use some Laughter today ♥

Born: June 28, 1946 in Detroit, Michigan, USA Died:May 20, 1989 of ovarian Cancer
Radnor was one of the great comic geniuses of the 20th century, her recurring classic Saturday Night Live Characters included Roseanne Rosannadanna, Judy Miller, Emily Litella, Baba Wawa (a parody of Barbara Walters), Lisa Loopner, Candy Slice, and Rhonda Weiss.
Gene Wilder (Gilda’s Husband) and Gilda's cancer psychotherapist, Joanna Bull, established Gilda's Club in 1991. It was Gilda Radner's wish that a place could be established where people of all ages diagnosed with cancer could come together and support one another through the illness. The centers are non- medical and very homey, with an art center, exercise facility, game rooms, and a children's room called Noogieland, so named for "noogies", one of Gilda's comedic actions. No such place as Gilda's Club existed when Gilda Radner battled her ovarian cancer. Gilda's Club is now North America-wide, with new centers opening up all over the United States and Canada.

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