Born Free documents the Adamsons' experience with Elsa, a young lioness they raised after George was forced to shoot her mother. Joy and George were able to teach Elsa to hunt and care for herself and release her, and Elsa found a mate and had cubs. However, Elsa became ill and died while the cubs were still small, so Joy raised them and released them, too (they were never seen again). Born Free, Living Free, and Forever Free - and the movies that were made from them - were hugely popular and drew enormous and welcome attention to environmentalism, conservationism, and anti-extinction efforts.
Ms. Adamson was murdered on January 3, 1980 while observing animals in the wild. Although her death was initially reported as a cat mauling, her wounds were later determined to have been inflicted by a sword-like weapon/weapons. Even that finding is not consistent with the claims of the person who confessed to killing her - he says he shot her - so who knows. Her husband, George, was murdered by poachers in 1989.
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