Monday, September 5, 2011

Lauri Grimshaw-Cox

Today's Awesome Woman is Lauri Grimshaw-Cox, a fabulous artist I met several years ago at an art festival. We traded some of her work for some of mine. Yesterday the box I got from her jumped out at me & I knew I needed to look her up. As I checked out her website I was struck by how many of the things I aspire to create in my store, she is actively doing. So I called & we had the most amazing conversation and both of us could feel the spirit of the Universe connecting us!

"My company, Epiphanies Of An ArtGirl is committed to inspiring and empowering women and teen girls through creativity. I am a fearless entrepreneur constantly seeking new opportunities to add to my own self growth and to the lives of other women. I call myself a Creative Life Mentor. Having many years of experience in the "show scene", and being represented in shops through wholesale/consignment and gallaries, I have branded myself with a consistent recognizable style. I am asked often for advice and insight from many budding artists and sought after by beings desiring to live a more joyful and creative life. Much of my success has come from a ton of work, a ton of money and a ton of passion. Its not been a quick journey to making my living the "Creative Play Way" but the journey has allowed me to gain much knowledge to mentor others on their's. Never give up on your dreams." ~ Laurie Steele

I am grateful to have found someone a little further along the path to guide me. My goal is to help empower women through creativity & Lauri is my new idol!