Monday, December 19, 2011

Diablo Cody

Monday’s Awesome Woman is Diablo Cody (born 1978, real name Brook Busey). Why her?

1. Her kickass pen name.

2. Her hilarious, though not for the timid of heart, memoir Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper. So very good. Go read it right this very instant. I’ll wait if you’d like.

3. Juno! She wrote the script and won an Academy Award for it. The magic of Juno, besides the interesting, cool, smart female lead, was that it was about the most controversial topic around--abortion--but somehow managed to be edgy while not making either side’s heads explode. Which is damned amazing.

4. She created United States of Tara, which I never actually saw, so I can’t really saw anything about it. Um, supposed to be good though.

5. Basically, a ballsy, daring, smart, funny, woman who is doing things the way she wants to do them. Like any good little AWUer.

If you’d like to read more about her, here’s an article she did with The A.V. Club:,66267/.